Friday, June 08, 2007

Recess / Recreation

I meant to continue on the theme of religions today but alas - so much to write, so little time... Will have to wait till the weekend, so I'll call for a recess.
As soon as you leave the CBD (city business district), most Sydney schools have large grounds for children to run and play at recess. How I envy them: school playgrounds in France are generally small courtyards with four or five plane trees, full stop. Photo taken on Tuesday morning at the school near my home. Couldn't have taken it today, the weather is dreadful.

J'aurais aimé continuer sur le thème d'hier, mais il y a tant à écrire et si peu de temps. Ca devra attendre le week-end. Alors je déclare que c'est l'heure de la récréation.
Sauf dans le coeur du centre ville, toutes les écoles de Sydney ont de vrais espaces verts où les enfants peuvent courir à la récré. Quelle différence avec les cours d'école goudronnées de mon enfance, avec leur quatre ou cinq platanes ou maronniers, ça me fait rêver ! (photo prise mardi matin à l'école de mon quartier. Je n'aurais pas pu la prendre aujourd'hui, il pleut des trombes !)

Late evening update: the weather is worse than dreadful; it's a real catastrophy. Pounding rains have flooded the area where I live, the train line was cut by a landslide and I am stranded in the city for the night. Will try to make it home tomorrow morning. Have a look at this fantastic photo gallery of the storm published by the Sydney Morning Herald.

Mise à jour vendredi soir: Il pleut des trombes oui, au point que la région où j'habite a souffert de graves inondations. La ligne de train que je devais prendre pour rentrer chez moi a été coupée par des rochers tombés sur la voie, je suis contrainte de passer la nuit en ville. Je réessayerai de rentrer chez moi demain matin. Voir les magnifiques photos de la tempête publiées par le Sydney Morning Herald.


Cergie said...

C'est merveilleux !

Ces enfants ce sont mis des semelles de vent..
Et les trombes d'eau vont profiter à la pelouse pour qu'elle soit forte et que les enfants puissent y courir dès qu'il fera de nouveau beau...

Anonymous said...

Ah ça, ça ressemble effectivement pas à la cour des écoles dans lesquelles je suis passé... Ca fait rêver !

Peter said...

You are so right about French schools. Not only they have limited space in the cities, but a French country school yard would also be very limited in space. In general not enough time is given for other activites than theoretical studies. School days are long and there is a lot of homework! Little time for pleasure and personal evolution.

(As an immigrant I should perhaps "shut up", but I adore France for almost everything and after 33 years in Paris and as tax payer, I guess I have the right to say something.)

Olivier said...

en effet cela change de nos ecoles, mais deja que l'on attendait avec impatience la recreation, avec une telle cour, j'aurais passe mon temps la tete vers...bon cela n'aurais pas change au resultat de mes etudes ;o) bon weekend, en esperant que la pluis se repose un peu

Anonymous said...

You have captured the special scene of the young.

Nice work.

Abraham Lincoln
My Post: Local woman dies in house fire
Brookville Daily Photo

Irina said...

Great shot! I love the story behind it.

Where was no any courtyard at all in the school I attended. Moreover, we were not allowed to leave the school building between our classes.

Jilly said...

Love the joy of the boys in this shot.

Bergson said...

I do not know where they run
but I do not believe that it is towards the school
On our premises they finish the school in 15 days

Bobby D. said...

it feels great to run across this expanse with these children. The photo gives the viewer the feeling they are running too, and I can feel the air rushing as I run

julia said...

Weather, tell me about it. Hope you are able to return without too much to cope with, it would be difficult.I posted some storm related shots

Lavenderlady said...

Wow! Those storm photos were something else. I hope the photographer had water proof equipment.

teo mocchi said...

Freedom, fun, joy, energy and lightness! Amazing shot, Nathalie

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