Wednesday, March 30, 2016

And the magpie lives!?!!

Following my post dated 24 February, 2010, I just happened to check Andrew Mangelsdorf's website today and discovered that my photo has been used more than once: his first magpie now has several replicas. Perhaps Andrew could have asked me if he could use my original photo again, don't you think? I hadn't realised it would become a favourite subject of his.

Suite à mon billet daté du 24 février 2010, je me suis retrouvée par hasard sur le site d'Andrew Mangeldorf aujourd'hui et à ma grande surprise, ai découvert qu'il avait utilisé plus d'une fois ma photo de pie: sa première oeuvre a maintenant des petites soeurs. Il me semble qu'Andrew aurait pu me demander l'autorisation d'utiliser ma photo d'origine, non ? Je n'avais pas compris qu'elle deviendrait l'un de ses sujets préférés.

1 comment:

Χριστίνα Πεταλωτή said...

At least it is flattering. Well these awkward situations are very common around the web. I ve seen many of my texts in other websites even without the original source below. :(

Pleased to meet you Nathalie!