Sunday, April 29, 2007

Surfing and Scrapbooking

It's been a while since I've photographed a Coke ad. Here they are tackling the surf culture. Of course it's a reflection again, I love the shadow of the passer-by on the left. There's a scrapbooking shop across the street - is scrapbooking all the rage in your country too? Here it's pretty big! Have a good Sunday everyone.

Ca faisait longtemps que je n'avais pas photographié une pub Coca Cola. Ici la marque s'est adaptée à l'esprit surf ! Il s'agit bien sûr d'un reflet, on devine l'ombre d'un passant à gauche, et aussi un magasin de scrapbooking de l'autre côté de la rue. C'est à la mode en France aussi, le scrapbooking ? Je veux dire les albums photos décorés avec des collages en tous genres ? En Australie c'est un loisir créatif très "in". Que vous fassiez du surf ou scrapbooking, je vous souhaite un bon dimanche !


Anonymous said...

When I was akid,scrapbooks used to be an entertainment form at a time when there was one radio [or less] per family, ditto cameras, etc. It died out as affluence rose. Assuming, of course, that it's still the same meaning these days?

Peter said...

Have not heard about the expression, but I guess in my family we have done something like it (on a small scale), without knowing that it was "scrapbooking". Just a mixture of photos and some souvenirs in albums. Is that correctly understood?

Janet said...

I kept scrapbooks on everything -- cats, trips, friends, 4-H, and started scrapbooks for my children, whereupon I am seriously behind.
Scrapbooking has become popular again, especially for photo albums. Just wish I had more time to do the cutouts and stuff.

Bobby D. said...

The reflections are wonderful. Scrapbooking was big in the US until the end of WW2 (I had old scrapbooks my grandparents kept) My parent's generation wasn't interested and now, it has become a big deal again, only different--my grandparents drew pictures, now people use stickers to denote occasions. ( a little birthday cake, a Christmas tree etc)

Sally said...

Scrapbookign these days is a whole lot more sophisticated - fancy papers, and paper arts and embellishments decorating pages - whole shops devoted to all the paraphenalia!

Olivier said...

photo prise dans un reflet de vitrine ? Le scrapbooking marche bien en France, mes deux petites nieces en sont folles

Chuckeroon said...

Scapbooking???? Never heard of it!!!! Does this mean I've suddenly dropped off the planet? Is this a serious lack of awareness I'm suffering?

Anonymous said...

Nice photograph. It reminded me that when I was small and in the country school that Coke came around and gave each student (23 in the whole school - grades 1 thru 8) a new ink blotter with their Coke logo and a pretty picture of a girl on it.

I still have one.

Anonymous said...

I was delighted to learn from my readers that scrapbooking is not new at all, and that some of you have known the previous phase of it.

Today however it is a heavily commercialised business where every piece of 'scrap' is actually bought rather than kept from your travels our found around... What a pity!

Cergie said...

Ce type d'art est couramment pratiqué en effet par les écoliers sur leurs couvertures de cahier
Et puis c'est du collage qu'ont peut faire pour orner les meubles, les boites etc... Ensuite on vernit

En tout cas cette photo est parlante , elle donne un peu la nausée : Trop c'est trop !!!!
Ou trop de pub tue la pub...