Saturday, September 23, 2006

Chalk the walk

For four days 21 to 24 September, about three dozen artists are letting their talents loose on the pavement of Pyrmont Bridge.Two days into the exercise, few are even near completion of their work. Gold coin donations are welcome but it's mostly a labour of love. Visitors can cast their vote for the People's Choice Award. This work wasn't necessarily my favourite but I like the artist's posture and hat. Chalk the Walk, Pyrmont Bridge, until this Sunday.


Kate said...

Enlarging the photo brings out the detail. Very labor intensive. Nice shot; like the hat, too!

Meg said...

So much work for such a temporary art! I sure hope it doesn't rain. Nice shot, Nathalie.

Nathalie H.D. said...

It sure is an enormous effort but some artists use it to showcase their other work, on canvas for example. I didn't rain Meg, but we had a horrendous heatwave this Sunday and it sure would have been painful to sit on the bitumen in the full sun. One participant told me he expected to complete his work at the last minute on Sunday. I feel for him !

Sally said...

I was there today (Sunday) and it was hot AND incredibly windy. Many were having their chalks and bits and pieces blown around.

Jinn said...


emblem Moscow!