Friday, April 06, 2007

Aussie Aussie Aussie

Both Good Friday and Easter Monday being public holidays in Australia, we're at the start of a long weekend here. We're flying off to New Zealand for a few days and I found these postcards at the airport. I find them outrageously funny. What do you think ?
Please excuse me if I can't visit your blogs during my few days away. I hope to be able to continue posting regularly but if not, I'll leave you in the company of this handsome young Aussie. Enjoy!

Le vendredi saint et le lundi de Pâques étant tous deux fériés en Australie, nous entamons aujourd'hui un long week-end. Nous nous envolons cet après-midi pour quelques jours en Nouvelle Zélande. J'ai trouvé ces cartes postales dans une boutique de l'aéroport : j'adore ce genre d'humour australien. Et vous ?
Veuillez me pardonner si je visite pas vos blogs durant ma courte absence. J'espère pouvoir continuer à poster un message chaque jour mais si je n'y arrive pas, je vous laisse en compagnie de ce charmant jeune australien.


Gregory Sey said...

Tu nous montreras des photos de Nouvelle Zelande?

Bonne escapade

Anonymous said...

Does nothing for me.... ;)

(NB I was having a look around your business website. I've been thinking of planning a long trip to NZ sometime, probably 2008. Would that be the sort of thing you could help with?)

Sally said...

What a hoot! HAve a terrific time in NZ. Fortunately it's NOT raining here on the south coast.

Anonymous said...

Someone had a clever idea with those postcards. Quite funny!

Have fun in NZ, Nathalie! Hope you'll snap a few photos for us.

Olivier said...

j'avais bien dit que mes photos devaient rester secretes, maintenant tout le monde va reconnaitre ;o) bon weekend en nouvelle zelande (question d'un neophite, c'est loin de l'australie ?) et ramenes nous plein de photos

Deb said...

If I'm not mistaken, isn't this the airplane mechanic?

Jilly said...

C'est tres drole.

Have a great holiday. J x

photowannabe said...

Well that's an invitation to Australia that's hard to refuse...
Have a nice Holiday in NZ.

edwin s said...

Hello Mister Postcard! G'day!

Unknown said...

enjoy your holiday in kiwi land!

Kala said...

you kow, I was just watching a movie about this swimmer from Australia who was a world champion back stroker and his brother was a really good swimmer too and the dad pushed and coached the both of them when they were little but he was also an alcoholic- anyway, in time, the swimmer got to go to Harvard university on a full scholarship - it was a wonderful story. The poster thing looks like him in the movie!